Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday has finally arrived!

As the first full week of classes comes to an end, and with one test out of the way, students are excited that it's finally Friday!

Today after class, the students enjoyed a lot of "downtime" where they were free to enjoy their time with whatever they chose to do. While some wanted to relax after having a test earlier in the day, others took a walk around campus, played with Nerf guns, socialized in the lounge area, enjoyed a nap, or played soccer on the turf. The majority of the day was not very eventful, but it was a much needed day after a hard week's work!

Later in the evening we took a trip to Burton Elementary School to volunteer our help and to give something back to the community. Having arrived at the site with smiling faces, the students were very eager and ready to get the job done, and they all worked as a team to complete the task at hand. We are very proud of them for their contribution to the community, and for the positive attitudes they have had throughout this experience.

Here are some photos of our time at the elementary school:

Colin sweeping garbage off of the bleachers

Emily unhooking the speaker

John helping with the speakers

Matt and Christian posing for the camera

Huai, Emily, Christian, and Matt

Nick directing James of what to do next

Josh is doing some heavy lifting


Nick and Huai posing for the blog

Nick, Andrew, and Huai are excited to get started!

Kevin, Huai, Emily, and Christian are all working together to tear down the bulletin board.

Huai and Lucy

Josh and Nate

Christian and Matt


Huai and Nate



Thanks for all of your help guys and girls, the community really appreciates it!

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