Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday notes from one of our peer mentors, Kristi

Today was a difficult day! It was one of the hottest days we have had since the program started. 100 degrees = ughhhhhh. The heat seemed to be getting to everyone.  We started the day off with class and reviewed for the second test tomorrow. We did our daily recreational activities and a small change was made.  It was not met with resistance and was accepted by all of the students.  Dan decided to apply limits to the video game club (good grades and good behavior.) If these two requirements are met then the students will be able to enjoy these games!  All of the students decided that these limits were a good idea.  Furthermore, all of the other activities went well. 
We had dinner at the dining hall and after, got to studying for the second exam tomorrow.  The students split into study groups and some on their own to prepare for the exam.  The students have expressed that they are improving in their study skills and creating new study habits that they did not have before coming to the program. One student noted his improvement in retaining all of the material he had studied for the exam.  Overall, the students show vast improvement and seem more prepared for the upcoming exam than the first. 

Josh, Johnathan review notecards with Colin

Tate and Zoe hit the books

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