May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
*************Irish Blessing
Your sons and daughter have made the first step in transitioning from the comforts of their homes to independence. We are amazed at what they have accomplished in a short time. Many were struggling to say goodbye to parents when they left--at this point many of them are struggling with the thought of saying goodbye to the good friends they have made at our school. It's been quite a process.................For some, living independently, doing laundry, handling personal hygiene, managing money, taking medications, holding onto a key and ID card have been the toughest challenge. For others the academic rigor--writing more papers in a three week period than many have done in a whole grading period--was the hard part. Others had to come to grips with intense social challenges--living in a college community with its share of new noises, a fire alarm system that picked this week to go haywire, and adjusting to new foods, new friends and new resposibilities.
While we had a curfew, some learned the hard way that in order to be prepared for an early morning college class, you have to go to bed--or you'll sleep through your class. Some had to come to grips with what results when you procrastinate. But they have learned the consequences of their actions and are stronger and more independent because of these experiences.
Just a few rules for Check Out:
When you arrive on campus on Friday, please come to the Learning Differences Office in Old Main 314. We do have a Parent Evaluation that we are hoping you will be able to complete and return to us as part of our Check Out process. We will not be able to allow parents to enter rooms until the students are dismissed from class, probably around 11:30. As a final lesson in independence, please know that we are encouraging your students to pack up their own belongings Thursday night. We plan to assist you in loading your car.
Questions??? Email Dianne at or call the Learning Differences cell phone at 814-397-0335 !!!!
When you arrive on campus on Friday, please come to the Learning Differences Office in Old Main 314. We do have a Parent Evaluation that we are hoping you will be able to complete and return to us as part of our Check Out process. We will not be able to allow parents to enter rooms until the students are dismissed from class, probably around 11:30. As a final lesson in independence, please know that we are encouraging your students to pack up their own belongings Thursday night. We plan to assist you in loading your car.
Questions??? Email Dianne at or call the Learning Differences cell phone at 814-397-0335 !!!!
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